Re: IF & ISBLANK with two Criteria in separate columns
@NCNWIncData The #INVALID REF error means one of the cross sheet references is incorrect. Were you receiving an error with the formula you originally posted? I copied the references from there, so th…1 · -
Re: IF(AND(OR? Formula
I think I see what you are trying to do, give this a try: =IF(AND([Suggested Replacement Equipment]@row = 1, [Room Type]@row = "Standard"), 95 * [Hours Needed]@row * 0.3, IF(AND([Suggested …1 · -
Re: CountIFs
Give this a try: =COUNTIFS([Travel State]:[Travel State], OR(@cell = "CO", @cell = "TX", @cell = "WA", @cell = "OK", @cell = "NM", @cell = "NE&q…1 · -
Re: Countifs in multi contact column referencing another sheet - Help!!
Give this a try: =COUNTIFS({Archive T&F Date}, <=TODAY(), {Archive T&F Date}, >=TODAY(-365), {Archive T&F Presenter}, HAS(@cell, "Jen McFarland"))1 · -
Re: Index/Collect Two Separate Dates and Compare Them to Return Highest Date
It may not be the most elegant solution, but this will just compare the output of the two different formulas you posted and use the one with the latest date. =IF(INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Typ…1 ·